# Using BladeBotList's Webhooks

# Post to Discord Webhooks

# Create the webhook

  1. Go to server settings
    server settings
  2. Go to Integrations
  3. Click on "Create Webhook"
    create webhook
  4. Edit the name (1), The channel (2) and the avatar (3)
    Edut name, channel, avatar
  5. And finally copy the webhook url
    Copy webhook
  6. If you did everything you must got an url like https://discord.com/api/webhooks/000111222333444555/T0K3EN

# Add it to BladeBotList

  1. Go to https://bladebotlist.xyz/bot/:YOURBOTID/edit/webhook Bot Webhook page
  2. Paste the webhook url in the "Discord Webhook" field
    Bot webhook
  3. Click on "Edit Webhook" and you're done !
    Edit webhook
  4. Test it by voting for the bot !
    Vote demo

# Post to Custom Webhook server

# Using the BBL-API module

Default config (opens new window)

const BBL = require("../app");
const client = new BBL(
    "", // BOT_ID
    "", // API_KEY,
        server_count: "20", // number of servers ie: discordjs v12 => client.guilds.cache.size
        shard_count: "0", // number of shards, null if not defined
        interval: 300000, // interval bethween each post

client.on("ready", () => console.log("Client is started !")); // when the module is loaded and ready to post data

client.on("debug", (log) => console.log(log)) // debug messages for developers, not required

client.on("update", () => console.log("Stats updated !")); // event when autopost or manual post

client.on("error", (error) => console.log(`Something was wrong when the module has posted stats: ${error}`)); // complete reports about errors like invalid api key or bot id
  1. Add in the module config this:
        webhook: {
            status: true,
            port: 6060,
            password: "youshallnotpass",
  1. Change the port if need (default: 3000)
  2. Change the password or left empty to disable (Not recommanded at all) (default: none)
  3. Change the endpoint if you want (default: /hook)
  4. Final code (opens new window)
const BBL = require("../app");
const client = new BBL(
    "", // BOT_ID
    "", // API_KEY,
        server_count: "3000",
        shard_count: "20",
        interval: 300000,
        webhook: {
            status: true,
            port: 6060,
            password: "youshallnotpass",

client.on("ready", () => console.log("Client is started !")); // when the module is loaded and ready to post data

client.on("debug", (log) => console.log(log))

client.on("update", () => console.log("Stats updated !")); // autopost or manual post

client.on("error", (error) => console.log(`Something was wrong when the module has posted stats: ${error}`)); // complete reports about errors like invalid api key or bot id

client.on("vote", (out) => {
out must looks like

    console.log(`Whoohoo ! ${out.usertag} just voted !`)
  1. the event "vote" is emitted when you receve a bot

  2. Go to https://bladebotlist.xyz/bot/:BOTID/edit/webhook, and put url as: http://<serverIP>:<port>/<endpoint> ex: http://mybot.bladebotlist.xyz:6060/hook

  3. Add the password if you added it (you can seee it by clicking on "show password")
    Password example

  4. And finally test !

# Using custom Webserver/Library/Code

We don't give support for custom webhooks


  • Requests are made as POST
  • we proivde password in headers
  • data is in the body
Last Updated: 10/31/2020, 5:51:37 PM